The Think Tank in Smart Cities comes alive in Valencia
The first meeting of the Valencia Cluster of Energy Industries (AVAESEN from its initials in Spanish), of which we are a member, was held today. Many interested parties, such as companies, councils, universities, technological institutes and consumer associations, have set up a Think Tank with the idea of promoting real solutions in fields such as energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and the efficient management of water resources.
What are the aims of the Think Tank?
The objectives proposed by the think tank are to streamline and transform cities and make them more efficient. During the meeting, we were told about initiatives from other European cities where similar projects have been carried out successfully. Furthermore, there are many ways for them to be financed as part of European projects such a Horizonte 2000, the Juncker Plan or via programmes managed by AVAESEN with European funds in Spain.
If you are a small or medium-sized business and are interested in collaborating with this think tank, you can contact AVAESEN and they will provide all the information you need.
The next meeting is scheduled for 27 April 2016 at the Jaume I University in Castellon.
If you would like more information, click here